We are very pleased to announce we’ve updated the Project ACRN documentation, organized around your interest with ACRN as an end user, developer, and contributor.
As shown above, ACRN documentation is now arranged into categories that are more approachable: “Learn about ACRN”, “Try using ACRN”, “Develop using ACRN”, “Contribute to ACRN” and “Developer Reference” documentation.
This new organization should make it easier for you to find information appropriate for your interests and involvement with the project. We’ve also begun incorporating additional material documenting example Automotive and Industrial use case scenarios that provide more in depth information and starting points for configuring the ACRN hypervisor for specific application needs.
Keep an eye on our documentation website: https://projectacrn.github.io as we continue to make it better for you and the ACRN community.