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ACRN Virtual Meet-Up Europe Wrap-up

By May 28, 2021May 31st, 2021Blog

The ACRN team wrapped up a free two-day virtual Meet-Up Europe held May 25-26, brought to you by Intel. Over 350 people registered to learn more about ACRN, how far it has come over the last three years, and where it is headed. If you missed it, or want to review the material again, all presentations from the Meet-Up are now available on the Project ACRN channel and presentation recordings are available on the Project ACRN YouTube channel EU Meetup playlist.

Here’s a reminder of the topics covered at this Meet-Up (with links to the recorded presentations). Subscribe to the ACRN users mailing list so we can let you know when another Meet-Up is scheduled!

Date: Tuesday, 25th of May, 2021
Time: 9AM to 1PM (Central European Time)

9:10AMACRN Introduction and Architecture
9:50 AMReal-Time Management and Performance Optimization
10:30 AMFunctional Safety Design and Certification Plan
11:10 AMBreak
11:30 AMInstallation and Configuration Introduction
12:10 PMEnabling ACRN on New Hardware Platforms
12:50 PMConclusions
1:00 PM End

Date: Wednesday, 26th of May, 2021
Time: 9AM to 1PM (Central European Time)

9:00AM Welcome
9:10 AMOrchestration with Libvirt and Kata Container
9:50 AMBoot Process and Secure Boot
10:30 AMCommunity & Development Model
11:10 AM Break
11:30 AMDebugging ACRN (Tracing & Logging)
12:10 PMInter-VM Communication Introduction
12:50 PMConclusions
1:00 PMEnd